Student Information Management System (SIM)
At Mashariki, we understand that technology alone does not solve educational and administrative problems in our educational institutions.
We however understand that Student data management can be key in providing the necessary support to Students, Teachers and parents with the ultimate goal of providing the best education possible.
From implementation and end-user training to technical support, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive Students Information Management Solutions to all educational institutions with one goal of removing data management headache from the classroom. Efficient and effective management of the “STUDENTS AND TEACHERS POOL” has become an increasingly imperative and complex activity for institutions.
The Student Information Management Solutions (SIMS) functions consist of tracking innumerable data points on each student, from personal histories, data skills, capabilities, experience of faculty members and other necessary records. To reduce the manual workload of these activities, institutions have begun to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing SIM Solutions.
In a nutshell, the main reasons why changes to an Electronic Information Management System is an absolute necessity can be thought of as the problems of having manual paper processes such as;
• Large time for processing information.
• Data redundancy and maintenance constraints.
• No data security.
• No facility for easy retrieval of data
• No data modification facility.
• Difficulty in managing large data.
• Upgrades, dropouts, breaks are all manual and cumbersome
• No priority or ability to generate reports.
Thus, SMS have tried to mitigate many of the problems faced by the educational institutions and then some by designing one stop solutions that provides an efficient way to address the bottlenecks created by the manual paper process and enhancements that provide:
• Student’s personal as well as educational information electronically.
• Teacher’s personal as well as educational information.
• Human Resource management.
• Students as well as staff attendance information tracking.
• Fee Structure and maintenance for students and Finance Department.
• Maintaining annual records for ease of data tabulation and reporting purposes.
• Reports on performance of the students for academic performance tracking with ease of access.
• Maintaining records on purchase of books and other academic articles where available.
• Student Portal can provide access to all student data by students and their parents for accountability.
• The same can also provide access to homework for students and the ability to post grades online.
Mashariki together with its partners can provide a turnkey or customize a comprehensive Students Information Management System to suit your budget without compromising data security, availability and features. Even though we can customize a complete ERP Solution for your institution, Our Solutions provide the following core features;